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Dr. Albert Grier

Founder of The Church of Truth

Rev. Albert Grier was a Universalist minister for twenty years before founding the new denomination of the Church of the Truth in 1912.

Dr. Albert Grier, born on February 27, 1864, graduated from the University of Michigan with a Degree in Science in 1886. Dr. Grier then began to study for the ministry in 1890 and was ordained as a Minister in the Universalist Church in Spokane, Washington. As a minister, Dr. Grier became a prominent leader in the New Thought Movement, working closely with other prominent leaders such as Ernest Holmes, and leaders in both the eastern and western traditions. He taught physical, mental, and spiritual healing through the knowledge and practical application of Universal Principles and was known as a gifted healer who could demonstrate miraculous healings. He taught New Thought Principles along with the teachings of Love and Wisdom from early Christianity. He believed and taught that Jesus came to earth to awaken humanity to the Truth that Christ Consciousness was within every human being. He taught that we are all children of God, inheriting God's nature, and we have only to grow into that Truth in order to experience "the Kingdom of Heaven within." Dr. Grier was a New Age pioneer, a visionary whose message is appropriate and enlightening today to attain health, happiness and success in all aspects of life.

Dr. Grier stated:

"Knowing the Truth is simply another way of saying we know God, And knowing God is knowing, not the essential nature of God, but the Principle on which God works . . . So, therefore, knowing the Principle is knowing God in all essentials."

"Jesus' achievement was this -- He discovered the Principles on which Life is being carried on . . . that each human being is the 'son' and heir of God . . . inheriting by divine right the powers of God. And to become perfectly at-one with God is the purpose of all evolution, of all development."

Well aware of the teachings of Jesus, Dr. Grier stated, "No two persons can pursue the same methods, but the Spirit of Truth will lead into all Truth," determined by one's vision and individuality. Dr. Grier was also aware of the 20th Century need for progressive and empowering guidelines to assist in our spiritual awakening. Thus, Dr. Grier was inspired to write The Truth Teachings: guidelines based on the Truth of Christ's Teachings . . . spiritual guidelines that left room for one's individuality. Dr. Grier understood spiritual evolution and believed that the Teachings "outlined a vision of the Truth as it is revealed . . . but not as a finality."

Dr. Grier spread his teachings throughout the United States, writing books, lecturing, and assisting newly founded churches. He continued his ministry until he left the world on October 30, 1941.

The following writings and addresses given by Dr. Albert Grier may be read online:

A New Hope Through a New Way
Seeing Through The Eyes of Jesus
They Saw His Star in the East
Why I Call Myself A Christian
The Message of the Truth

Click Here to visit The Church of Truth website

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